Top 9 lesson learned from book- The energy bus

 Top 9 lesson learned from book- The energy bus

Lesson #1 – “You’re the driver of your bus” – It’s all about personal responsibility.

We are each responsible for the direction of our lives. And the direction of our lives is shaped by each day, each thought. If we are complacent in our lives we let others drive for us. Have you ever felt out of control? Well, it’s time to take charge and drive your own bus. In my experience, the realization that my efforts now can reap big rewards in the future are very empowering.

Lesson#2 – “Desire, Vision, and Focus Move Your Bus in the Right Direction” –

You have to want it! You have to have a vision, have an compelling reason to keep you moving and the focus to keep to it. Each action must be in the direction of your goal and you must have the persistence to overcome the obstacles that can easily get you off track.

Lesson #3 – “Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy” –

Positive energy is the fuel that allows you to overcome the obstacles. Positive energy is high octane fuel and negative energy is gas from the bottom of last years can. Positive energy builds momentum and a negative attitude seems to find roadblocks and excuses.

Lesson#4 – “Invite People on Your Bus and Share Your Vision for the Road Ahead” – 

Associating with people who push you forward is one of the smartest things you can do. You are either moving forward or moving back. If the people you work with or associate with are stagnant, then you need to break free. If you don’t you’re wearing an invisible rubber belt, eventually you will snap back to the pack and lose your momentum. Having negative, going nowhere friends is like having a weekly weight watchers meeting at The Country Buffet.

Lesson#7 – “Enthusiasm Attracts ... Check the comment section


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