10 Powerful Lessons From The Book "Outliers" By Malcolm Gladwell

 10 Powerful Lessons From The Book "Outliers" By Malcolm Gladwell

1. Focus on effort

To become successful, many things outside of your control must come into alignment. 

Focus on what you can control, effort and improvement.

2. Achievement = Talent + Practice

Natural talent gives you a head start but does not guarantee success.

Consistently practice a craft you love. 

You'll gain more talent than any natural starts with.

3. The 10,000 hour rule

It takes roughly 10,000 hours to become world class.

Most experts accomplish this over 10 years.

Be patient, keep going, your time will come.

4. Marry your passion

It's difficult to hit your 10,000 hours of practice if your passion is a side hustle.

Find a job that will pay to practice your passion for 8 hours a day.

5. Have a winning attitude

IQ and natural talent are important, but only to a point.

A tall basketball player has an advantage but isn't guaranteed to be the best player.

You reach your full potential by layering talent with a winning attitude.

6. Good support produces legends

You wouldn't be where you are today without your

• Spouse

• Friends

• Parents

• Coaches

• Teammates

• Business Partners

They all played a role in producing a legend. Thank them.

7. The world isn't fair

People are born with natural talent, better circumstances, and in safer places with more opportunities.

The only thing that's fair is that this unfairness applies to everyone.

Never let it hold you back from going after your goals.

8. Wake up 4 am

Anyone who goes through the pain of waking up at 4 am 365 days a year fails to become successful.

Join the 4 am club and become unstoppable.

9. The 3 keys to fulfilling work

1. You're passionate about it

2. You find it challenging

3. There's a connection between your efforts and a reward.

You're guaranteed to feel fulfilled at work if you have all 3.

10. IQ matters up to a point.

Once your IQ rises above 120, it no longer contributes to success.


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