7 Lessons from the book “ The Art Of Public Speaking ”

 7 Lessons from the book “ The Art Of Public Speaking ”

1) Conversational Hints

Choose some subject that will prove of general interest to the whole group. Do not explain the mechanism of a gas engine at an afternoon tea or the culture of hollyhocks at a stag party.

2)Do not be content with your general knowledge of a word press your study until you have mastered its individual shades of meaning and usage.

3) The Importance of Exposition of

The importance of exposition in public speech is precisely the importance of setting forth a matter so plainly that it cannot be misunderstood.

4)Before delivery, do not fail to  go over your manuscript and note every sound that may possibly be mispronounced.

5)Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

6)The body acts as a sounding board for the voice just as the body of the violin acts as a sounding board for its tones. You can increase its vibration by practice.

7)Thoughts is deeper than all speech, feeling deeper than all thought; souls to souls can never teach, what unto themselves was taught.


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